
Details of Members of the Tourism Society who are available as speakers are given below.  They can speak across a range of subjects across the breadth of the industry.  If you are a Tourism Society member you can access the contact details of your preferred speaker through the Membership Directory.  If not then, please contact the Secretariat for those details.

It is important to approach speaker selection as a positive opportunity rather than just another item to tick off the list.  The mix of skills and knowledge you need will depend on what you are trying to achieve by including a speaker in your event.  Discuss this with your potential speaker.


David Curtis-Brignell MBE, FTS

Consultant, Tourism Reimagined

Setting up and managing a DMO in the 2020s; partnerships; destination and product marketing; destination management plans; creative management; hotel brands, consortia and management contracts; structure of tourism; accommodation from self-catering to 5-star hotels; quality; customer service; domestic tourism; product development; promoting your tourism product to local residents; English Tourism Week; history of domestic tourism; customer loyalty and loyalty programmes; complaint handling; the customer journey; communications strategies; travel trade.


Tom Buncle

Managing Director, Yellow Railroad Ltd.

Tom addresses topical issues and pulls no punches with his audience. Tom applies his personal experience from around the world to inspire insight and help destinations achieve their potential responsibly. He is an experienced speaker in the following areas -

  • Destination Branding: Key to Competitiveness or Yesterday’s Tactic?
  • Tourism Ethics: A Force for Good or Ill? How to Win Minds and Not Lose Heart
  • Crisis Recovery for Tourism Destinations: Preventing a Crisis from Turning into a Catastrophe – Managing Business Back to Growth
  • Destination Management: Making Places Liveable as Well as Visitable
  • Tourism Trends: What’s the Next Big Thing?



Become A Member

Join the society where individuals from across all sectors of the tourism industry come together (online and offline) for discussion, debate, to share views and knowledge, and to build networks.


Presidents Dinner 2024 – 11 September 2024 new date!

President’s Dinner (6.30 PM – 10:00 PM) – 11 September 2024 (NEW DATE):   The Annual Tourism Society President’s Dinner planned…

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Media Masterclass Oct 2024

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Tourism Policy Conference 2024 with Tourism Alliance and British Destinations

More info to follow…

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