TCN’s Declaration of Good Practice: a Valuable Tool
Richard Denman’s research has also demonstrated the value of our ‘Declaration of Good Practice’
by which all TCN members agree to “honour… and abide by its requirements and undertake to….
… maintain high standards of professional integrity, endeavour, commercial confidentiality,
financial propriety and personal conduct and …
1. Accept an engagement only if suitably skilled and experienced to undertake it and if it presents no conflict
of interest.
2. Agree terms of the brief and conditions of engagement with the client; define the services and end
products to be provided; identify staff and/or sub-consultants to be employed; and specify all financial
arrangements and timings clearly.
3. Exercise independence of thought and action in developing recommendations specifically for each client’s
needs, based upon sound research, validated research material, through the application of impartial
analysis and professional judgement.
4. Ensure that information about my experience and previous commissions is factual and free from
statements which are inaccurate or misleading.
5. Carry out all work diligently and conscientiously and, in doing so, strive to contribute to the wider
reputation and promotion of tourism consultancy in general and of the Tourism Consultants Network and
Tourism Society specifically.
Feedback from members and industry indicates that this declaration can be of real value when bidding for
work and provide re-assurance to potential clients.