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Report on interview of true pioneer of responsible tourism – Zakia Moulaoui Guery- of Invisible Cities

Report by Shaon Talukder, CEO and Founder Geotourist, and Board Member of the Tourism Society.


From Sir Trevor McDonald, to speaking at global TED Conferences to the The Tourism Society, this week, I had the privilege of interviewing a true pioneer of #ResponsibleTourism and a #SocialImpact #changemaker, Zakia Moulaoui Guery. She founded multi-award winning #socialenterprise, Invisible Cities, to empower those who have experienced homelessness to become #tourguides around the country! The enterprise gets straight to the heart of one of the most impacted communities around many popular travel destinations and leverages Tourism to try and lift them from poverty. Covering topics from their perception with existing tour companies where they operate, to developing organisational culture and values which have meant they are considered in their collaborative approach to partner SocEnts, to challenges for female vs male guides, to being the only UK company in 2021 to win a Lonely Planet Best in Travel award, through to the disruption by Covid. If the last year dented sentiment, Invisible Cities and Zakia have been scattering inspiration throughout their local and wider communities. If anyone wishes to explore joining or supporting this innovative social enterprise or think your community is affected by homelessness, get in touch with the team @ Invisible Cities.